About Us

We started by converting our family's Sequoia's back hatch handle to the electric set-up. We were tired of not being able to use our back hatch except for when we rolled down the back glass and reached inside to access it...does this sound familiar to anyone else? We did not want to continue replacing the handle again and again, and we couldn't find any permanent solutions. So, we did away with the old system made ours electric.
After about a year and a half of use, and seeing others have the same issues we had before, we decided to sell a kit to the public so everyone else can be done with replacing those irritating back hatch set-ups.
Our kit completely does away with the factory setup of the handle and cable and replaces it with an electric push button and actuator.
Our kit is set up with a plug and play connector making it simple and quick to install with basic hand tools, and no drilling.
We do offer local installation and it takes about 30 minutes to complete.